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Straico an AI platform


Straico is a very special AI platform, where it’s owners Arturo and Juan, actualy work with the members. You can find the latest AI models,API access, tools and tips on Straico and animated discussions. In fact the platform is so popular that users are creating tools, software and videos to support it.

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Examples of this:


PHP clsStraico by Gramps[tm]
Woven Snips RAG Jaisal is a talented young student that created this great RAG implementation for the ⚡Straico⚡ community.


@codingmenace has great instructional videos on how the intergrate the ⚡Straico⚡ API into projects

I also wrote a blog about them in the blog section.

You can check their page here where you can find an invite to their discord.

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